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Gateway to a dream job- Linkedin Case History and how to useful?

                          10 ways to  use Linkedin to get a suitable placement

Today we are in the technological age, due to which our life has become very easy. At the same time, due to the increasing demand for technology, many employment opportunities have become available. Today, many such tools have become available from where we can find employment and get placements, today we are talking about LinkedIn. So let's know its story with this.
Linkdin is a smart and an easy way to apply for jobs.As now,more and more companies are hiring through linkedIn,it is all about
Building relationships with people.When you have created some genuine bonds with people theres nothing wrong with 'saying,"Listen,i have been looking for a job in XYZ have any suggenstions?"
Till 2016,you had to build connections on Linkedin,try to find and contact Recruiters,join professional group or follow the post of people who would post about jobs.There were also some 'leaders' who regularly liked and comented on the post of recruiters to gain their attention,in a hope to get a job.
Thats all history now.Linkedin has changed ever since Microsoft Acquired Linkedin in December 2016 by paying approximately $26 billion.At that time,however,almost everyone was of the opinion that Microsoft had invested in a sinking ship.But  3yrs down the line,Microsoft has successfully converted the so-called sinking ship into a path-breaking website,which is now posting a threat to other similar platforms in the industry.
Thus this plateform can serve as an affective tool to increase one's visibility as well as the chances of landing a lucrative job offer.Leveraging Linkedin for a job is a skill is both science and art .Let's learn 10simple techniques to leverage this.

How to useful?

1.Comprehensive profile

All complete linkedin Profile,users are much more likely to get contacted about job opportunities.Fill in standard sections at the beginning,ensuring you also have a current position,summary and a photo.Add your skills and have at leat 50 connections.Fill in your Experience for job descriptions,and make sure you ahve a current job posted.This may sound simple but estimated 80 per cent profile are not completed.

2.Updated headline

Your photo (it should be formal enough for recruiters to identify with),name, and headline(which is listed below your photo) are the only items people see when they carru out a search.Your headline should clearly state what you do or what type of poition you are looking for."Talent acquisition Geek ! JobSeeker Ally ! Wordsmith ! Contributor" are examples of headlines tht are clear and might grab attention when compared to plain-Jane headlines like management Trainee in a MNC.

3.Add,Add and Add

Add more and more connections,if you find someone who can add quality to your network and timeline - reach out to them and add them.Connect and actively talk to them.Think of LinkedIn as us unending party running online - networking helps and it never stops.

4.Research companies

By now you should know you are interested in and follow them.LinkedIn makes it easy to search for your target companies and follow these.If you have not already done so,have a list of companies that you did like to work for and follow them on LinkedIn.This will help you to be aware of the company news and new positions.

5.Endorse and get endsorse

sometime it is okay to shamelessly ask people who have worked with you in the past to endsorse you,think of it is the foundation stone of your professional image.

6.Three to four recommendations

Try to have variety of people recommend you,like your boss,a direct report or a client.Coach the person on what you'd want them to focus on.Better yet,if they are willing to write a recommendation,offer to create a draft for them and suggest they edit it as they see fit.They will show them what you want them to focus on and take less of their time in the process.
7.Use plenty of Keywords
Make sure these keywords are used in the correct fields.Use keywords several times throughout your profile.Fields that are keyword searchable include your headline,summary,location,job title,job description,volunteer experience,skill,activities,publications and award.organizations etc.

8.Join job search groups

This need to be handled carefully,make sure they are hidden on your public profile.Join groups within your industry and network in the city or cities where you'd like to work.If you join jobseeker groups,just be sure to turn off the option to keep groups visible on your public profile.
 Now there is so much hope for today that you all will like this post and if you use LinkedIn in this way, then you will definitely get the best job.


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