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For a long time, all the countries of the world are trying to leave their mark in space.Many successful attempts were made by him, Russia, China, Japan and India.In 1992 total 4044 planets discoverd. But no water got from any Planets.All countries are engaged in space in search of a planet where feet of air and water are available.For this, NASA and ISRO left a lot of satellites. As recently as ISRO landed on Chanderiyan-2 Moon regard this purpose.After many attempts, NASA has discovered a planet which is very similar to Earth .
Come, let us know what is special about this planet-
1.      This planet has been named K218B.
2.      Where water present in stream form.
3.This Planet is larger then Earth.
4.This planet is dicoverd by Most fatest spacecraft.
5.The temperature here is 0-40
6.      Photograph was taken by Hubble Space Telescope.
7.      It is 111 light years away from Earth.
8.      May be possibility of Present Hyodrogen and Helium  there.
So all the results show that that life is possible.
It may be possible to walk that leg after 111 years.


Ravindar R said…
that was a great read .. keep doing
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