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How to Improve market value and skill ?

Higher education has a crucial role in supplying skilled candidates needed in the work force.However , the transition for many between higher education and employment as experiencing challenges as employers look for employees with the right skills and apptitude rather  than basing a hire purely on traditional qualification.

so. what's the solution?

Align the skills that greduates have with  market demands to ensure you are creating future employees that are industry ready,knowledgeable and adaptable.with employers and policy makers questioning the value of the degree,educators need to reassess their offerings so their program reflect the needs of the marketplace.
Althrough the term industry aligned courses is widely used by institutes , it largely remains a pipedream.However,a few courses are being offered by some institutes that cater to the new - age skill requirments and develop the students to be able to take up relevent scenario.Lets's take a look at some of these for those aiming for a career in finance related fields.


This is argcuably one of the best master's leval programme offered to students who wish to excel in the financial technology space.Financial Technology is concern with the use of technology to make financial transactions more efficent.
Graduates in this field will have a good understanding of Finance ,Accounting,Business information systems,and analytic methods.
Master's in Finance technology jointly provides the fundamentals of Accounting & Finance and management science where relevent ecpertise resides across all core competencies -both in teching and research .


This course caters to the robust journalism industry.While many tradational rules in newsrooms are disapearing financial journalism is growing.
The course is a unique offering that aims to train the participant to work as a financial journalism and provides the student with a firm grounding in corporate,financial and economic reporting ,the ability to understand and manipulate financial data and to critically analyse announcements by companies and goverment departments.
The course is offering online and is delivered by veterans from large media houses.
It provides the students with the essential principles,skills,techniques and real time application of the same .Students undergo rigorous training to develop the skills required by a financial journalist.
The course covers areas like financial markets,financial documents analysis,writing skills,interviewing skills,live reporting etc.that makes the students equipped appropriately for the challenging role of financial journalist.

Bachelor's in Capital markets

This is yet another course that prepares students for job role in the financial industry.This 3yrs full time bechelors programme is a unique offering that aims to develope the right skills sets starting early in the students life.
This programme designed for students who wish to work in the financial services industries .This aims to impart knowlwdge about  various aspects of capital markets ,thereby healping the students understand and develpoe skills that are essential to understand and face the challenges in the world of capital markets.

I hops so that this artical will help to develop the right skills and choose the right fields.


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