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Here we will discusse about Top most demanded skills in market.

Because now it is time for digital And skills are very important in the world of digital.At such a time, you should take advantage of these opportunities.The demand for skills is increasing day by day in the growing population  And it is a good option to fight unemployment. So today I am going to tell you about some such Demanded  skills by which you people can earn good income. Even through these skills you can convert your work into now lets start-

1.Mobile Repearing Skills

Image result for mobile repairing
At this time, there is a race among mobile companies all over the world. Today, every new mobile phones with these new feet and technology are being launched.They have now become a part of our life, whether children or elderly people use all mobile phones. Without this we cannot live even for a minute. In such a situation, the demand for mobile repairing skills has also increased and always will be. Oh this skill is one of the best skills. And with this skill, we can change our lives.Hope you like this skill.
2.Electrition skills-

The secon demanded skills is the Electrical skill,which is in demand thoughout the year .The demand for electricity remains in every field whether it is domestic fill or whatever.So by learning this skill, you can earn good income.
३ कुकिंग स्किल 
The younger generation of Today should not waste their lives in the government job cycle to avoid the increasing unemployment and cooking skills should be accepted because Cooking skill is considered one of the best of these. With increasing population, the demand for new dishes is increasing constantly.

Fast food
we Indians are very fond of eating and drinking.Therefore, there will always be a demand for it. Because our country is a country with various diversities, the dishes here are also different, such as the chole-bhature of Punjab,, Lithi-chokha of Bihar, Barfi of West Bengal, Idli of South, Poha of West are very famous.Apart from this, since the introduction of fast food, people have become crazy about them. Today, whether it is children or old people like to eat fast food like Bargur, Pizza, Noodles, Momos etc. This is also a work whose demand is increasing. And there is always demand for it. Today people are adopting it as their work very fast.

 So in such a situation, today's young generation should leave this job and adopt this job because this Skill is many times better than  jobs in compared .In this way, cooking skill is the best skill by which we can change our life. Even by keeping others at work,changes  not only our own but also their life.. In this way this business is always going on. Whether it is a village and a city, day and night. This is a business that can be started with very little money.

4.Sales skills-After this comes the sales skill. This skill is the most important  skill of all demanded  skills. It is very important to learn this skill, not only the student but also all those people who want to do some work.By the way, if we talk, then we are a sales man on the natural side, because we all sell something every day in search of our livelihood.
Some are selling their time, some are own knowledge, some are their own body, some are their own sweat.But despite doing so much, nothing seems to be at stake. So in such a situation, you can improve your sales skills and earn a good month, because it is needed in every field.No matter what the task is, big or small. 
Cell skill is a skill that can make you work many times more. There are some fields where there is always a demand for this skill such as MLM, LIC,Loan Broker ,Small business etc.In this way and with this fields you can reach the peak. You can get unlimited success in this field. A field in which you can work as you wish.So in this way the sales skill is the best skill.Now my next topic is -

5.Computer Repair & technical support

Last skill is computer repair and support skill. this skill is always in demanded because computer skill always helpfull in all the fields . Be it any field, now every field requires a computer skill.Computers are used for every small task. The computer made the work easy. Therefore, computer skills are very important. With the support of this, the work done can be taken to a very high level. With its help and support, today we have directly connected technology. With its ease we can ride our future tomorrow.
now in next artical i will tell full details of each skill.

I hope so you may like this artical and skills.


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