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Pollution strategic-Delhi and Beijing

The capital of India, Delhi is the most polluted city in the world. Delhi Govt. Going to implement Odd / Even formula once again.But according to the thought of the people of Delhi, it is a kind of temporary solution.But the thought is that pollution is still not being controlled.
Is this strategy correct?
Not quite right.
What to do in such a situation?
At world leval all countries try to fighting against  pollution and run the many  campaigns.
In this campaign, the name of China's most famous city, Beijing comes in, and the most polluted city.
few years ago Bijing was world  most polluted city
.-many things was  effected with pollution .
- The economy had collapsed.
-Anything not visible

Hence China's government. Has adopted an importent policy to fight pollution.
5 years later Beijing completely put an end to pollution.
Now we consider that China Govt took steps from every angle.
Which are given below:-
-Duirng 2013-17 china Govt. had reduced 36% pollution.
-Good planning
- Fuel embargo
-Public Transports Increased
-Coorporate  most popular temple of Bijing in pollution.
-Factories closed or shifted from polluted area zone.
-All citizens of Bijing Followed ruels honestely
This is how Beijing ended pollution

This is a big win, and we should be inspired by this event
By taking this step, we can also free pollution from our capital.

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