stars have been forming thoughout the Universe for most of its life.They taken shape in vast clouds where thousands of stars are born at a time.
The clouds that give birth to the stars are cold and dense and consist mainly of hudrogen gas.The newly formed stars are huge spinning globes of hot , glowing gas mainly hydrogen , with helium and small amounts of other elements . much of this material is packed tightly into the stars cores,and it is here that nuclear reactions release energy in the form of heat and light.
1.Interstellar cloud
stars are born within enomous,cloud,dense clouds of gas and dust.
The process of star formation may be triggered if something distrubs the cloud,such as a collision with another cloud or a shockwave from a supernova explosion.
2.Fragments form
Now unstable,the cloud breaks up into fragmants of different size and mass.the most massive and dense of these fragments are gredually pulled bu thier own gravity into tighter clumps.these shrinking fragments will eventually turn into protostars.